Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Week 7: Speech text for final examination.

Assalamualaikum, wr, wb
Peace to all of you.

Ladies and gentlemen!

How are you all ?, I hope everything is in good health. Previously, Do you guys already know me ?, there is a saying that do not know it dear not. Therefore introduce my name is  ANITA.

Well on this sunny day I will bring a speech entitled "Economic Problems In Indonesia"

Ladies and gentlemen!

Indonesia's economy, if we look deeper, basically Indonesia is one country that has a fairly high economic potential. Even the international world also seems to recognize that basically our country is experiencing a significant increase in the level of economic growth. Indonesia is increasingly becoming one of the countries worth to be reckoned with in its international economy. So it seems that it does give a good enough impact for the state of our economy, especially the increasing number of foreign investors who want to invest in our country.

Ladies and gentlemen!

But it seems that the situation, seen far from the picture of economic conditions, especially for the economic level of low-class society. Because indeed every growth and economic changes that occur, will have an impact for the low society. It seems a good impression that is seen by the international world, as it is inversely proportional to the economic conditions that exist in our country. Because it turns out that in fact the middle to lower society even feel the economic situation is getting worse because it is only considered to defend the upper class only. Even the many perceived government policies that are touted for the benefit of the people, in fact still not fully defend the interests of the people. Seeing the economic conditions of our country this way, it seems we should be patient but still have to make various efforts so as not to be eroded by the cruelty of the capitalists.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Especially with the current globalization that makes no more limits in conducting economic activities, indeed we really harness the best possible. So even though we are in the middle class down, but we still can show our existence as a majority who can not be considered one eye.

Thus the description that I can convey may be useful for us all, apologize as much as possible for all its shortcomings.


Rabu, 10 Mei 2017


Hi friends, see you again with my blog. I will share my experience of visiting EXPO EDUCATION at Auditorium Untan coinciding on Tuesday, at 09.30. Well please see the pictures and discussions on display at the Expo Education stend below:

In this UPT LANGUAGES STEND showcase various language books one of them is TOEFL ITP, and foreign language books such as English, Japanese, Korean and others.

Second Stend: AMCOR UNTAN
Showcase various books from abroad, there are also online games, as well as a three-dimensional pen. This three-dimensional pen if in use such as glue candles.

This stend showcased various educational books, foreign language books, majala, newspapers, and others.

Fourth Stend: FKIP Education UNTAN
Stend FKIP UNTAN education is only divided from chemical and biological education. This stend shows off blood tension, blood type check and color blind test, and preservation of plants and animals. The stend also exhibits chemistry and biology education books.

Fifth Stend: STUDIO DATA UNTAN Statistics Study
This tattoo studio stend promotes studio photos. If you want a photo studio only pay Rp.5000, - for five times photos.

Show off regional musical instruments, bracelets from tree roots, preservation of animals and others related to the forest.

This stend promotes prosur one of LP3M UNIVERSITY TANJUNGPURA, which contains about the improvement of instructional technique skills.

Only these seven booths I can visit, last I will show photos of EXPO atmosphere.

Well this is all I can tell you about EXPO EDUCATION UNTAN. Bruised on time, see you again next time.

Senin, 01 Mei 2017

Week 6: My future business

Assalamualaikum, wr, wb.
Name: Anita
Nim: f1031161063

Hi guys… See you again with me, but certainly with the discussion of different topics with before. That is about the “My Future Business”
If an when I do business, I will choose the type of business in the culinary field.
Why I choose business in the culinary field?, because most people today are happy to do exploration about the taste and variety of from of food. Moreover, among children with a wide range of food.
If it’s about food, who the hell people who don’t need food. Impossible if people could live and run all activitas without food.
But that culinary business is preferred a lot among people, we must have new ideas so that the food we sell is always creative, but should also be tasty and nutritious. With food that delicious and nutritious business is able to survive and conpete.
Well, this business would be a business superior in the future. Now the course has already started has increased very rapidly through the online which mushroomed from different corners of the world. And you can undergo this business venture for your future.

Thank You
See You

Wassalamualaikum, wr, wb.