Kamis, 20 April 2017

Week 5: TUTORIAL: How to wear Hijab with simple and easy.


Hello… meet again with me. At times I will discuss the topic of   ”TUTORIAL: How to wear Hijab with simple and easy”.
All right, How to wear a veil in terms of four simpel and easy, following these steps:
1.      Previously, you should have prepared a fashion hijab shawl which has been selected in accordance with the tastes that will be used and  takin his ninja to make it look harmonious according to the motive and colors.
2.      After using the lining inside, please wear hijab shawl the.
3.      Then make the position of the hood on the left side is shorter than the position of the right, while the position of the right longer than the left position.
4.      Then cross back to the right position to left, furthermore the parts left in the save in the top of the head and pinned. While the right part is also stored above the head with the crossbones, but loosened so that there is no decorations.
5.      The last step with adding a brooch to add a beatiful appearance, but it can also brooch in wear before the hijab worn.
Maybe here I can discuss about the topic this time.

See You


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